Since 2019, I have been teaching social science research methods courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I am passionate about teaching and mentoring students with an interest in basic and applied social science research.

My approach to teaching research methods exposes students to the essential theory and principles of observational and experimental research, qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, the challenges and opportunities for causal inference, and practical considerations for conducting research in cross-cultural settings. My courses are designed to offer students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by working with real data through activities designed to familiarize students with conducting interviews and focus groups, content analyses, and statistical analyses using R.

In addition to foundational courses in research design for the social sciences, I am available to teach more specialized courses on topics including survey methodology, experimental design and analysis, program evaluation, and measurement/psychometrics. I also look forward to offering substantive courses in my areas of specialization, including Canadian politics, political psychology, intergroup relations, democratic citizenship, and migration.

Feel free to contact me to learn more about my teaching interests and availabilities.

Course syllabus

A sample syllabus from my recent course on research methods for undergraduate students at McGill University is available here.

Course Lecturships:

Department of Political Science, McGill University

  • Political Science 210: Political Science Research Methods (Spring 2019, 2020; Fall 2022)

Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba

  • Political Studies 3950 & 7300: Research Methods in the Study of Politics (Spring 2020)

Teaching Assistantships

Department of Political Science, McGill University

  • Political Science 311: Empirical Research Methods (2x)

  • Political Science 210: Research Methods in Political Science (4x)

  • Political Science 212: Comparative Politics (1x)

Department of Psychology, University of Guelph

  • Psychology 3350: Cross-Cultural Psychology (2x)

  • Psychology 2310: Introduction to Social Psychology (3x)

Teaching experience


In addition to my teaching, I offer occasional workshops on topics related to applied social and behavioural science research to research groups, community organizations, and public servants.

In the past, I have offered workshops on the following topics:

  • Behavioural science in the public service

  • Survey design and data collection using Qualtrics

  • Introduction to survey experiments

  • Data collection on a budget: Measuring impact in the non-profit sector.